Past Conferences

Right to Life and the Death Penalty in Iran (4)
The Role and Responsibility of
the International Community
10 October 2023Florence—Italy


Equality and Religious Freedom in IranNov’14 – London
Right to Life and Death Penalty in Iran – 3May 14 – Los Angeles
Right to Life and Death Penalty in Iran – 2January ’14 – Cologne


Devolved Power, Federalism …? – 2Nov ‘10 – Finland
Discussion on the situation of Iranian BaluchistanApril 10 – London


Right to Life and Death Penalty in Iran -1 – ‘Be Our Voice’ Campaign’December 09 – Cologne


In Celebration of Iranian Women8 March 2008, London
Roundtable on the widespread socio-cultural problems facing Iran today02 February, Paris


The Future of Iran: “Devolved Power, Federalism…?”9, 10 December 2006, Cologne
Violence against women – Round table12 June 2006, Stockholm
The Iranian Labour Movement and the Future of IranJune 2006, Stockholm
MediaMay 2006, Washington DC


Study of Nuclear Energy and Armaments22 April 2005, Berlin


An assessment of the political and cultural position of the Iranian Media broadcasting into Iran11 December 2004, London
Dariush and friends (In support of Iranian asylum seekers)19 June, Stockholm
Iran Kojast, Irani Kist?18, 19, 20 June Stockholm
In support of Iranian asylum seekers18 June, Stockholm
An assessment of the consequences of twenty five years of Revolution and the Future of Iran20, 21, 22 February 2004, London


Iran after the Islamic RepublicFebruary 2002, Zurich


11 September, The New World Order and the Future of IranNovember 2001 Berlin
The Future of Iran, a study of Social, Economic, Political problems and Iranians Seeking AsylumFebruary 2001 London


The plans and role of the Opposition in the future of IranJune 2000 Berlin
‘Iranians’   living outside IranFebruary 2000 London


Iran – The year that passedNovember 1999 London
Iran – The year that passedNovember 1999 Berlin
Iranian Music – Past, Present and, FutureConference and Concert videosSeptember 1999 Cologne
Consequences after Twenty years of the Iranian RevolutionFebruary 1999 London


Conference “Civil Society, Velayat Faghih and National Identity’September 1998 London
‘Iranian Foreign Policy and Recent developments in Afghanistan’September 1998 Paris
Conference ‘Civil Society in Iran – possibilities & obstacles’April 1998 Berlin
Women, Youth, and the 1979 RevolutionFebruary 1998 London


Examination of the Iranian Political CultureSeptember 1997 Berlin
Media, its Effects and InfluenceMay 1997 London
Government and ReligionFebruary 1997 London


Overpopulation and Environmental PollutionNovember 1996 Berlin
Iranian Foreign Policy in Connection with AfghanistanOctober 1996 London
The Establishment of Democracy and the Structure of Civil Society in IranFebruary 1996 London
Issues of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and its ConsequencesFebruary 1996 London


National IdentityOctober 1995 Washington D.C.
Examination of Women’s Issues in Connection with  the Peking World ConferenceSeptember 1995 Paris
Socio-Political Thinking in Iran: 1) Nationalistic Movements & Changes, 2)  The Leftist Movement & Changes – 3) Monarchy & Changes – 4) Religion & ChangesFebruary 1995 London


Satellites and the Politics of Iranian Radio & TelevisionOctober 1994 Paris
Problems of Over-Population – The Cairo World Conference
Changes in the Iranian CinemaSeptember 1994 Paris
February 1994 Paris


The Persian Gulf – Past, Present & FutureJune 1993 Paris
Economy and OilJune 1993 Paris


Iranian Social & Cultural IssuesNovember 1992 Paris