“Devolved Power, Federalism …? – 2”
Written by ACI in 18 November 10The many studies and consultations undertaken by ACI indicate that the future governance structure should be based on some form of devolved power. ACI proposed that equality and democracy are prerequisites to sustainable change.
info@sabi.fi – in association with SABI
Ref: 362 / M / 369
The Today and Tomorrow of Iran
“Devolved Power, Federalism …? – 2”
18, 19, 20 November 2010
Technopolis Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14, 02150 Espoo – Finland
Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI) held its forty eighth conference under the above title. This conference was co-convened with the Scandinavian Art and Business Institute in Finland. Our aim, as always, was to discuss and look into as many different aspects of the chosen topics in an unbiased and scholarly manner.
Centralized policies and governing systems have proved discriminatory and inflicted severe pressure on Iranians living in different parts of Iran for far too long. Mindful of safeguarding Iran’s territorial integrity, there is an urgent need to find a viable governance structure that would resolve the present issues and grievances for all Iranians.
The many studies and consultations undertaken by ACI indicate that the future governance structure should be based on some form of devolved power. ACI proposed that equality and democracy are prerequisites to sustainable change.
Panel discussions:
- An assessment of today’s unstable political situation in Iran (political, social, economic and legal assessment with special emphasis on the deteriorating human rights situation)
- Reaching a common understanding of terms and definitions
- Examining the role and place of a common shared language, official language, and mother tongues in the future of Iran
- “Devolved Power, Federalism…?” What is the best structure for Iran?
- Methods of transition to a form of devolved power, democratic socio-political coexistence, and an effective political system for the future of Iran.
The conference was conducted in the Farsi language. English translations of the papers presented will be available soon.