Right to Life and Death Penalty in Iran
“Be Our Voice” against executions in Iran Campaign
February 3, 2010
… We, the undersigned, believe that all Iranians without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status are equal and for this reason we condemn all cases of execution throughout Iran and commit to full and mutual support for each other …
We, the undersigned, invite all individuals, groups, organizations, parties and human rights activists and organizations to join us in condemning the use of the ultimate violence, the death penalty, in Iran. With your help we can employ global networks and opportunities in order to support the persecuted in Iran and end executions that are taking place all over Iran today.
May we be the voice of the voiceless in Iran who are the helpless victims of systematic and escalating state sponsored violence…
Public Opinion Survey: Right to Life and Death Penalty in Iran
December 1, 2013 – January 15, 2014
survey on the “Right to Life and the Death Penalty in Iran” were presented to the second conference in the series. Out of the 1111 confirmed and verified responses only 9% of the participants supported the death penalty.
December 12, 2022
“… This means that in a space of 23 days this young wrestler with his whole life ahead of him, was arrested, interrogated – read tortured – tried, and had the case heard at a higher court, with the sentence of death upheld killed this morning. All in 23 days – 23 days! …”
Protest Against Executions in Iran
Open letter to Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations – May 9, 2010