Future Confrences

Future Conferences

Consequences and Outcomes of 45 Years of the

Islamic Revolution: “WOMAN LIFE FREEDOM”

27/28 February, 1 March 2025

Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne

ACI invites all interested researchers and experts to submit abstracts in one of the languages Persian / English / French on the proposed topics to by January 15, 2025.

Association des Chercheurs Iraniens (ACI), in collaboration with the Legal Research Institute of the Sorbonne in Paris, announces a three-day conference on “Consequences and Outcomes of 45 Years of the Islamic Revolution in Iran: Woman, Life, Freedom”. Social, cultural issues, and a look at the economic and political outcomes will be among the most important topics discussed at this conference.

The goal of ACI, as always, is to exchange views and examine as many aspects of the selected topics as possible. ACI hopes that, with the respect it has for all ideas and thoughts towards building Iran’s future, it will be able to benefit from various research, specialized, and political perspectives on this subject.